Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Accu-Feel Patch 1.1

A small patch to improve Accu-Feel with additional physics and sound to elevate almost your entire aircraft collection.

If you have an older version of Accu-Feel you can upgrade it to the latest version using this patch. Using it you will make sure that your game runs bug free and you benefit from the latest features available.

Accu-Feel is a program written for FSX that uses additional physics and sound to improve almost your entire aircraft collection.


· Accu-Feel

What's New in This Release:

Fuselage drag sound:
· The fuselage speaks even more to you during hard, fast maneuvers where the air is pushing hard on the fuselage. Recorded from the cockpit of high performance jet aircraft when manuevering and tuned in FSX.

Stall instability physics slider added:
· You can add more instability to the wings and airframe when entering into a stall. The default position is 0, but moving the sider to the right reduces the lift stability making stalls more challenging to handle when this characteristic is desired.

Bigger aircraft have a deeper brake 'groan':
· The larger the aircraft that Accu-Feel detects, the deeper the brake squeals and groans will be. Tubeliners benefit most from this enhancement.

Open cockpit checkbox added:
· For those who like to fly open cockpit aircraft, all you need to do is check this box and Accu-Feel will remember this setting for each aircraft.

Support all sliders to be OFF when set to the LEFT or RIGHT:
· Moving a slider all the way left will give visual confirmation that the effect is disabled.

Improved physics management for future expansions:
· This is pure "under the hood" benefits to Accu-Feel and not noticeable on the surface, but we've streamlined and organized the code to better support planned future expansions.

· Master volume is saved with each aircraft - new with v.1.09
· This is pure "under the hood" benefits to Accu-Feel and not noticeable on the surface, but we've streamlined and organized the code to better support planned future expansions.

Further optimized and tuned core code:
· More optimizations in the code to keep Accu-Feel both powerful and light.

· Minor correction with pressure altitude calculations
· Fixed save issue reported on some user machines
· Fixed issue with tail draggers bouncing too much

Size : 8.69 MB

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