Friday, October 5, 2012

Spelunky 1.3

This is a fast-paced arcade game

Every time you play the levels, items, monsters, and so forth, are all procedurally-generated. The terrain is destructible and there are quite a few ways in which the various game elements can interact with one another. The goal was to create a fast-paced platform game that had the kind of tension, re-playability, and variety of a roguelike.

What's New in This Release:

· Added version number and disclaimer to title screen
· Replaced Super Sound System with Caster extension for cross-platform playback of audio files.
· Sorted source code assets into folders
· Fixed transparency and other issues with sprites
· Fixed title music not looping after intro sequence
· Fixed hint hand not appearing under certain conditions
· Added "Test" button to Config for testing chosen video settings
· Renamed "Resolution:" subtitle in Config to "Scale:"
· Fixed Config not asking for "Jump" button when gamepad without analogue sticks is configured
· Added "Joyconfig" button behavior to enable "Use gamepad" in Config
· Converted source code to Game Maker 7 format (1)
· Disabled F4 and F9 keys (2)
· Changed default screen scale to "X2" (3)
· Removed references to "Flare" key/button in Spelunky and Config code (4)
· Fixed Damsel making sound when dead and bounced, but not when alive (5)

Size : 11.70 MB

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