Tuesday, October 2, 2012


This is a cool real-time strategy game with lots of singleplayer and multiplayer maps!

Zero-K is a free, multiplatform, open-source RTS game. It aims to be dynamic, action-packed and hassle-free, full of clever strategies and constantly moving combat with games lasting an average 20-30 minutes.

Planet Wars will allow you to take control of your own planet and fight for survival in an ongoing online campaign!

Features :

· Epic Scale from tiny fleas to huge mechs and gigantic superweapons that wreak havoc - hundreds or thousands of units on the battlefield, all easily viewable with a fully pannable and zoomable camera.
· Realistic Physics mean each shot is physically simulated realtime - you can actually evade bullets if you micro-manage your units! Hills and terrain affect line of sight and radar coverage, and explosions deform the terrain.
· Natural Balance allows units to depend on their natural characteristics and the benefits of the simulated environment, not contrived special damages to determine their effectiveness.
· Terraforming - change the terrain: walls, ditches, ramps and more, to provide yourself with an extra tactical advantage.
· Unique Abilities make sure units are fun to use! From jump-jets, gravity turrets, mobile shields, burning napalm, air drops, unit morphs - we've got it all and more! You can even control your units directly in First Person Mode!
· Streamlined Economy - the economic system is complex without being tedious, with a simple interface and controls. Resources are unlimited and output can be scaled up as the game progresses, allowing for increasingly intense battles. The system is also designed to minimize slippery slope and allow skilled players to make comebacks from losing positions.


· OS: Windows Vista/7

What's New in This Release:

· Hammer
· Range 820 -> 840

· Phoenix, reverted fire burn time nerf. AoE nerf stands.
· Max on fire time 10s -> 15s

· Clam
· Can no longer resurrect
· Health 800 -> 1300

· Athena
· Can now resurrect
· Health 200 -> 400
· Speed 9.17 -> 7
· Cloak cost (3, 10) -> (2, 5) (moving, static)

· Jumpjet units without visible thrusters can no longer jump while flying through the air. This includes Sumo, Skuttle, Dirtbag and Archangel. Pyro, Can, Freaker and Recon
· Commander can still jump from mid air.

· Resurrect cost: 1.5x -> 1.25x energy and time

· Reduced unit on fire effect particle count and removed smoke.
· Terraform textures the map with a metal texture. This looks good, makes terraform more visible and indicates which units can walk on it.
· Sparse squares as passable by everything.
· Steeper slopes have dense squares and are not passable by vehicles.
· Black walls are only passable by spiders.

· Minimap "clear" button removes all drawings.
· Minimap metal map button displays mexes and geos without changing map to black.
· Changed default colors for line of sight view to be much more brighter and bound F4 to new metal map display.

· Removed ATI/Intel driver checks and compat. options, most drivers now work fine.
· Added multithreaded engine checkbox.

Engine Fixes:
· We have been using the new engine Spring 91.0 for a little while. It seems stable enough and comes with new fixes.
· Crashing planes no longer fall through the map if stunned.
· Beam Lasers and Lightning Guns are no longer blocked by stunned shields.
· Lightning Guns can no longer shoot into water.
· Fixed all the strange 'Defender does not fire' type behaviour.
· Fixed rare issue with nanoframes reaching 100% health but not completing.

· planet is only made neutral if owning faction loses all influence.
· structures that need a planetary target (guerilla jumpgate, string connector, planetbuster) cannot be retargeted during their power-up sequence. If you change target, sequence starts again.
· link connector is now active and can connect anywhere
· planet buster leaves the planet so damaged that it cannot be economically exploited again
· guerilla jumpgate is now active and projects 1.5 influence per turn
· technologies are now active, they unlock units and provide 1 influence bonus per battle per tech
· defensive structures - grid, interception network and bomber defneses - are
· destroyed after successful invasion

· Weapon targeting should be a lot more intelligent.
· No damage is dealt after an Outlaw dies. This is a workaround for allied units receiving damage from allied outlaws which die.
· Fixed ATI minimap bug.
· Reduced occurrence of bomber and gunship landing bugs.
· Jumpjets no longer act as an impulse capacitor.
· Fixed units sometimes not flashing blue when emped and the UI is disabled.
· Fixed UI keys bug.

Size : 418 KB

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